Today is the first day of spring, although you'd never know by looking outside. LOL 10-20 cm of snow is expected today. Ah, Alberta!
To me, Spring has always felt more like the start of a New Year than the bitter dark cold of January 1st. And what better way to ring in the new year than fully stepping into my new role as an Empowerment Guide.
It's surreal sitting here, having just sent out Week One's email, and I am so excited to get to work. What an honour it is to set off on this new journey!
Are you ready to make some changes, maybe looking for a fresh start but are feeling overwhelmed about where to start? There's still a bit of wiggle room to claim your seat. We officially have our first class on Wednesday at 11 am via Zoom.
To register please send me a DM or an email to creatingjuniper@gmail.com and I'll help you get registered.
Happy SUNday & Blessed Spring Equinox!